
This website is the property of Excelco bv

Contact info:
Genkersteenweg 388
B-3500 Hasselt
Tel +32 (0)11 23 25 13

VAT: BE0478.626.605

Registered office:
Genkersteenweg 388
B-3500 Hasselt
  1. Excelco bv makes all efforts to update the content of this website and add new data to it on a regular basis. Nevertheless, Excelco bv cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies or omissions in the content it makes available. Excelco relies on the financial statements and press releases of the companies. The user can also directly access and check this information. The user therefore takes full responsibility for the use he makes of the information provided on this site. If you notice any inaccuracies in the information made available through the site, please contact us at info@excelco.be.
  2. Excelco calculates a value for each company on the basis of the data. This value is only an indication and cannot be considered as established and definite. The valuation depends on parameters that reflect the past estimation of investors, which may change as a result of the assessment of the market.
  3. The user remains fully responsible for the results obtained by his portfolio. Excelco bv can in no case be held liable for these results.
  4. Excelco bv is not liable for damages:
    • Caused by the website
    • Arising from the use of the website
    • Related in any other way to (the use of) the website
    • Originating from the impossibility to consult (one of the web pages of) the website
  5. Excelco bv reserves the right to modify content and to add or remove information from the site at any time.
  6. This website and its content are protected by the law on intellectual property. The reproduction, distribution, modification or communication to the public of any elements (texts, images, layout, logos, software, ...) of this website or its contents in part or in their entirety is prohibited.