Portfolio analysis*

*Only available in Excelco professional

Excelco offers you a one-click extensive analysis of your portfolio.
The analysis is divided into:


The key ratios of each company in your portfolio are interpreted.

In addition, the average values of the ratios of your entire portfolio are calculated. This provides you with an excellent indicator of the overall quality of the portfolio. Colours are used to visually represent strengths and weaknesses.

Portfolio analysis - Key ratios

An overview is made of the percentage of the portfolio you invested per rating (star system).

Portfolio analysis - Rating pie chart

Growth Sectors

Shares in sectors that perform well have a greater chance of profit. Excelco's unique system enables it to classify your shares according to sector growth.

Portfolio analysis - Presence in growth sectors

Visual displays: the percentage of your portfolio invested in various growth sectors is displayed in a simple graph.

Portfolio analysis - Presence in growth sectors pie chart

Dividend yield

A dividend portfolio?
Excelco gives you a clear and instant picture of your portfolio dividend yields. The total expected dividend yield and the yield of each share are shown separately in a clear overview.

Portfolio analysis - Dividend yield

Distribution across sectors

A clear and concise screen quickly shows you whether you are overinvested or underinvested in a particular sector.

Portfolio analysis - Distribution across sectors

Influence of exchange rates

Exchange rates have a permanent effect on your portfolio which is not always visible. Through the portfolio analysis, you can quickly and easily detect the influence of exchange rates on your shares.

Influence of exchange rates

Distribution over currencies

The currency overview lets you see at a glance in which currencies most of your investments are made.

Distribution over currencies

Distribution over countries

The country survey will show you immediately the countries in which you are most invested.

Distribution over countries

Portfolio evolution

This section shows the evolution both of the entire portfolio and of each share separately.

Portfolio evolution

Detail per share

You can select a detailed view of each share in your portfolio. Here you will find all information and data concerning your investment in any particular share.

It includes information about:

Portfolio analysis - Detail of a share